Week Seven Questions

Are you making patterns to notice new things or are there patterns out there in the world that you are trying to notice? 

Noticing patterns once established in the place allows an individual to immerse themselves in the ideas of the concept, however, it

Are you glimpsing in (fragments) or observing slowly? What is the difference? 

Looking in fragments are almost like short glimpses of a place – I think if you observe something for a longer period of time, it allows you to immerse yourself from the general surrounds, you gain different perspectives. However, describing in fragments – it can only be expressed in one perspective due to the fast moving nature of the thought.

How is the medium (photography/video/sound) you’re using to notice shaping what is available to be noticed in media? 

I recorded both video + photography for my experiments, I feel this allows both positive and negative connotations towards noticing in media – for example, videography – the openness allows individuals to view more about the overarching view of the idea – however, a close up for example, can be subjective to the viewer as they are only presented with one imagery and idea to process.

How is the particular technology you’re using (iPhone, DSLR, zoom recorder) shaping what is available to be noticed? 

I think the quality of the photo is particularly important as well as accessibility. I have been recording the video on my DSLR, purely for best sound and video quality. However, for some of my experiments – my iPhone has been better because of ease of access – it allows me to take photos/videos etc without having to exactly prepare myself or lug around a large camera – this is both noticing with attention and without it.

What does your media pay attention to? 

I think the media that I have developed over the last couple of weeks has paid attention to other people’s details and their ideologies and thoughts that go into the description. I think what interests me about this is way individuals describe concepts or ideas.

Would you position what you are making as a documentary, non-fiction, experimental or somewhere in between? Why? 

I feel that my media making process has encompassed both experimental and nonfiction as my ideas are linked, however, they are exploring the same concept but with different elements and ideas.