Animal Planet: Editing & Storytelling (“Workshop Week 7”)

I was away for the workshop in week seven, so this is my initative post to replace the workshop that I missed. This week’s initiative post will be linked to the reading on animals – I wanted to focus on the editing of videos produced by content houses such as Animal Planet, David Attenborough or Animal Planet and how they use editing techniques to engage their audience. Not only are they interesting stories (such as the video below about a woman being introduced into the pride of lions), they also create suspense and tension through their editing. This video being an interview style regarding the relationship with herself and the lions. The over voice not only shows establishing shots of the park but also of the animals in their natural habitat – contrasting the human, something that would not necessarily be shown. It also references to the fact that these animals are not tied up by anything, relying on the trust of the individual and the bond they have formed – both of these are expressed through the editing of the video.

video licensed under youtube creative commons