Crime Scenes: Netflix + OJ Simpson VS The People.

For this week’s initiative, I have decided to talk about Netflix. Although some may say Netflix is a University’s worst nightmare – Netflix (and other video streaming/online TV shoe content) is extremely important in the way people view movies and television. I recently started watching the OJ Simpson VS The People ‘documentary’ last weekend (and shameless can say that I have now finished the series… good o… I would highly recommend it!).

This series actually got me thinking about the documentary side of media. Although I cannot comment on this fully, as I don’t know everything about it – I find the process quite interesting in the sense of the delivery. I something as sensitive as a crime documentary/one where it has such controversy – the delivery is so key to making it successful. I find documentaries to be something quite similar to that of “Blood in the Gutter”, where the audience can assume many things about an individual/TV show/movie and have to fill in the blanks. This is used heavily in OJ Simpson VS The People because of the heavy subject used: murder. This use of subject – to – subject and aspect – to – aspect shooting is something that is prevalent in this series as many of the scenes are tense, making the audience want to find out more. Although I am not usually a fan of the ‘suspense’ type of cinema or television shows, but I found this one enthralling – maybe because it was based on real life.