
What made you stop to record the moments of noticing you did? How did the way you collect relate to your initial research prompt? What did you discover/learn about making media through noticing? What question(s) arise for you out of this making?

The moments of noticing were triggered by a change in texture, light, and environment – connected with the activities that I do daily.  I decided to go with video pieces as I felt that I could accurately depict my notions of noticing: sunsets, walking to work, running into a (cute) dog as well as my everyday routine – these are things that I would not necessarily take notice off unless I was attuned noticing, which is something that I enjoyed about this task. The way I was collecting my material was in agreement with my initial research prompt – taking short videos that represent my attuned noticing. Through this, I discovered and learned about the importance of attuned noticing – how much I was missing out on whilst I was off in my own world, just focusing on my general surroundings. These questions that arise are more about the mundane activities of my daily life and the human assumption that these things become ‘boring’ or unnoticeable once they have become a regular part of your regular routine: they often go unappreciated.

Through this, I not only want to be able to develop my attuned noticing skills but learn how to do it more often, to be able to notice with intention more often and what skills that require being able to create art that reflects those motions.