Development: Camera Indifference + Week Eleven Consultation

During this week, we had our week eleven consultations. We each went through our projects and received feedback (and to make sure that we are all on track!) – I feel that at this point in time, I am tracking quite well and are developing my project to submit in Week Thirteen.

I received feedback on numerous ideas which I would like to develop further. My contrast of black and white versus color imagery and how that changes the focal point is something that I would like to explore in my questioning of individuals and the media, and how the change in color increases/decreases the ability to notice different features. I also discussed the wide shots and how this eliminated camera indifference, which was further discussed earlier on in the semester with the reading in Week Two “Bogost, Ian. “Ontography” [excerpt]. Alien Phenomenology. Or What It’s Like to Be a Thing, University of Minnesota Press, 2012, pp. 38–52. The photography of Stephan Shore is something that has a strong similarity to what I was trying to express through my wide angled photography – with the hope to “overcome the perceptual parallax of the view camera by producing the most humanlike perspective possible, usually an idealized view”. Furthermore, Shore’s relation to the subject is “unironic” as the image itself has no direct focal point of view, allowing the viewer to interpret what they will.  Christy Lange stated in this reading that Shore’s imagery was a “new conception of the landscape picture, one in which the details themselves—their density and abundance, rather than their entirety—were intended to be the focal point or subject.” which represents the entirety of the entirety of the image and all their individual parts, rather than a singular focus.

This is something that I want to explore further of how the different images (for example, one that is dense verses one that has more open space for the eye to wander) and how this affects different people’s imageries and how they perceive the media. I also discussed my ideas for execution for my project and whether or not I use a combination of photoshop, premiere pro or Korsakow and what would best express my idea most effectively.