Day One.

Documentation Criteria 

Produce a blog entry of 250-500 words that addresses the following questions:

What? Describe the types of online media practices you engaged with and produced today. This many include (what you listened to, watched and created online). Write this description as if you are explaining to someone step by step what you did. Explain what you did like for instance if you added a video to YouTube. What was the content of the video? This part sets up the context for the next two questions.

How? This part focuses on the authoring, publishing and distributing part of your activity. For instance, if you are adding a photo to Instagram – What did you take the photo with (what type of camera)?, How did you author the content then publish it to that service? How did you distribute the content you added? Did you link it to other social media services like Facebook, or a blog, for example.

Why? This part concentrates on the question ‘What do I do with online media?’ For example, why did you post a photo to Facebook? Was it because you wanted to show family and friends what you were doing that day at that particular time? Another example – Why did you watch a particular video on YouTube? Was it for entertainment purposes or to learn something?


Media Usage Overview 

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Online Banking
  • ASOS (Online Shopping)
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Spotify
  • Apple Music
  • Premiere Pro
  • WordPress (my own personal blog)
  • My Media Factory Blog (Media 1 + Networking Media)
  • CityMapper & Google Maps
  • VSCO Cam + Facetune
  • FitnessFirst Gym Membership App
  • Snapchat
  • Gmail/Optusnet Email
  • Twitter
  • Uber
  • Youtube
  • Netflix

Focus: Instagram and Photo Editing. 

What? I tend to check Instagram when I first wake up in the morning – it’s something my friends and I maintain the most communication on via photo sharing (rather than directly messaging each other on facebook messenger). I currently own three Instagram accounts; a personal one (for my friends and family), one directed to my personal blog (this is a ‘business one’) and one for black and white photography. Although I have not uploaded a photo in a while, I do have the habit of scrolling down my feed and liking everyone’s photos, particularly in my blog Instagram. I think this does increase my engagement – although if I find the photo particularly interesting (for example, a flat lay of food), I will comment on it as well to increase my engagement and connectivity with the person and the account. I also use a variety of photo editing apps before putting my instagram on my ‘feed’ – most commonly, VSCO Camera and FaceTune. I tend to use the ‘whitening tool’ to make white backgrounds appear whiter. I also turn down the contrast & brightness in VSCO. For example, today – I posted a photo of a brunch that I had a couple of weeks ago whilst I was in Sydney.

How? I use the Instagram to upload the service and use the caption “saint laurent vs sandro” (the bag brands in the photo) – tagging both YSL, Sandro Paris and the Brunch Place (Brewtown Newtown). I also made added the geotag of the place too. Because this is connected to my blog account, it shows up on my personal blog feed on the sidebar of my blog.

Why? I posted this photo because not only I enjoyed it but I also did not have any current photos to post that fit my ‘white theme’ of my instagram. I also like this photo in the layout (the ‘grid’) of my instagram, I feel like it works well. I also did this to share it with my followers, however, I did not do this at any particular time of day.