
In this post you should outline what your process of collection will be. This process should be informed by an idea from the Mason reading, Bogost reading or Patrick Pound exhibition. Further, you should list what you know, don’t know and expect to see and/or hear in your pair’s location. You should not do any formal research to find out about their location – you should speculate from your own knowing of the world.

The process that we have endeavored is both using the mediums of photography and video. We decided to focus on the time-frames of ten – in each location, we are filming a ten-second video (numerous shots) on the details of the location to make the viewer feel as if they are immersed in the location: sound, people, textures. We will then stand in the location for ten minutes and photograph the location every minute, for the ten minutes. We wanted to do this to convey the changing nature of the environment and so we can compare the development of a place over time and what we notice through this.

My location is Hozier Lane, in the CBD. Although I have visited Hozier Lane once before – I tend to avoid the tourist areas in Melbourne as they are crowded, from what I can remember. I foreshadow that Hozier Lane, depending on the time of day will be packed with tourists, both international and from interstate – graffiti artists and individuals taking photos against the graffiti-ladened walls. I am excited to uncover the smaller details that are overlooked in graffiti lanes due to the typical ‘tourist’ stigma that it presents. We got our idea for presenting our task through the ideas presented in Mason’s reading ‘Forms of Noticing’ specifically the quote “In the domain of our own practice, we notice many things in the course of a day, though we may mark relatively few of them until we set about this practice intentionally, and of course there are far more incidents and objects which we fail to notice at all”. With this intention in mind, we set out to our specific places – Brunswick and Hozier Lane to capture details without prejudice and preconceived notions – to gather an accurate representation of noticing intently. Thus, using this as inspiration to gather our material over a period of time over a length (ten minutes, in our case) and analyzing how it changes.