What they said

Jane found a surprising amount of enjoyment in the reading, as she was ‘shocked’ by the accuracy of some of Nelson’s predictions, including the changes in structure of education through computers and other devices. On the Nelson reading, Gemma makes what I feel is a relevant connection to a Goosebumps Choose Your Own Adventure book, … [Read more…]

‘As We May Think’ reading

The reading As We May Think was written by Dr Vannevar Bush in July, 1945, when the Second World War was coming to a close. A short introduction from the editor makes several points, a strong one being that the inventions of Bush’s time had acted as a way to extend physical power, but not … [Read more…]

Symposium week 4

This weeks symposium was a definite improvement on last weeks, as there was far greater discussion and great pints made by both the tutors and several students. Unlike last week’s copyright centred questions, this week’s questions really benefitted from the symposium structure – even if it sometimes felt that Adrian had a definite idea of … [Read more…]

Week 3 Symposium – Just alright

This week’s symposium (and it was a symposium) consisted of discussion on copyright, and basically what we can get away with. I felt that this symposium was just alright, but at times it felt as though it could have simply been a lecture, as there didn’t really seem to be a great amount of opinionated … [Read more…]