Studio Presentation Contribution

For the student presentation, I was a part of the website group. With Liv, the team leader, taking on the main role of creating the website, we decided that the rest of the team would be in charge of getting the appropriate material to her, from our own group’s film. This involved titles, taglines, a … [Read more…]

Reflective Report

With the semester now over, upon reflection it has ultimately been a success. Our initial goal of making a film that stayed true to a central theme was achieved, as were most of the goals that followed. I’ll now go into the three main stages of our process. Pre-production After coming up with our central … [Read more…]


Throughout our film, the contrast between silence and music playing will be vital. Put simply, silence will represent the sadness in Tim’s life, while music will represent his one source of happiness. A majority of the film will be filled with near silence, clearly suggesting that a majority of his lifestyle is filled with a … [Read more…]

Scene 9 storyboard and discussion

In the process of storyboarding our film, we decided to split the script into four different sections for each of us to do. I ended up with the final two scenes of the script, which essentially involve Tim seeing the band play at a bar, and then leaving the bar afterwards. The first of these … [Read more…]


With this post I will attempt to give a sort of broad sense of the cinematography style that we will be going for in our film. While Tan is the cinematographer, and has certainly proven far more technically competent than me, we will hopefully be able to work pretty closely from a more creative standpoint. … [Read more…]

Project 2 Reflective Report

Our project goal is essentially to create an evocative short film that effectively communicates our theme of loneliness, and the idea of filling the resulting void through something questionable or unhealthy. To be more story-specific, we plan to tell of a man aged around 19 who is struggling with loneliness and emptiness after finishing high … [Read more…]

You and the Creative Process

I went into Rabiger’s chapter, You and the Creative Process, with the hope of getting a strong insight into how I can strengthen my own process of creating, particularly in relation to the ideas and writing stage of short filmmaking. I very much enjoyed Rabiger’s take on ‘our need to tell stories’, which he associated … [Read more…]

Small Deaths

Lynne Ramsay’s Small Deaths was great example of what short films can (and don’t have to) do. Firstly, the film had a very loose causation to it, as there was very much a sense of ‘things happening’. The simplicity of it from a cause and effect perspective is definitely a strength though, as it allows … [Read more…]

Bottle Rocket

In watching Wes Anderson’s short film, Bottle Rocket, it was interesting to see how it related to the many feature films he would go on to make, as well as how it stood on its own as a short film. Several things stood out as very ‘Wes Anderson’ like, even this early on in his … [Read more…]