Week 4: The Clarity of the Craftsmen – Cal Newport

Cal Newport’s chapter surrounding the craftsmen mindset begins with an anecdote about a reasonably successful yet very modest musician and his strong devotion to getting better at guitar, spending hours a day practicing. From here, Newport uses the musician as a way of demonstrating the craftsmen mindset, and comparing it to the passion mindset. He … [Read more…]

Empowerment – Media as a Force for Change

Our topic under the term ‘Empowerment’ was ‘media as a force for change’. We found our attention very quickly directed towards social media, as it’s often a space where anyone’s thoughts on an issue can be heard, rather than just the more traditional sources such as TV networks. Another strong element of social media is … [Read more…]

Week One: The Fourth Industrial Revolution – Klaus Schwab

Schwab’s chapter on megatrends and things driving the fourth industrial revolution (drivers) begins by organising the list into the categories: physical, digital and biological, as ideas like an ‘on demand’ economy and ethics are explored. The discussion has a strong focus on how new materials coming to the market are so vital to the innovations … [Read more…]