What they said

Jane found a surprising amount of enjoyment in the reading, as she was ‘shocked’ by the accuracy of some of Nelson’s predictions, including the changes in structure of education through computers and other devices.

On the Nelson reading, Gemma makes what I feel is a relevant connection to a Goosebumps Choose Your Own Adventure book, though she recognises that hypertext is best suited to an online medium. Focussing particularly on education in relation to children, she questions how much it resembles the ‘choose your own adventure’ style (the answer being not much, as she states the ‘answers are still laid out for them in a chronological order’), and whether it could benefit from this style.

In relation to this same reading, Sophie wonders how network literate we really have to be, as she lists some of the systems that already give us the ability to consume, produce and share online content, even if we may not fully understand how it is being done.

Cassandra shares the views of Vannevar Bush in his reading, as she uses Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment as an example of how ‘increased evidence may prove facts and truth about our research, but in the same ay it also stipulates a mental breakdown’.

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