Week 9 Integrated Media

Questions developed in class from David Shields reading
Questions in bold are the questions the class chose to bring up in class.

1. Shields discusses melody as rhythm, how could this be utilised in our k-films?

2. Shields talks about the history of keeping time. What relation to the history of writing narrative does that have?

3. Shields describes most films and novels as being predictable, tired, contrived and purposeless, yet believes literature is a form of thinking and wisdom-seeking. Discuss how k-films are so lively and purposeful.

4. Shields is perhaps narrow minded in his perspective of stories. Is life not a combination of both chaos and cause and effect relationships?

5. How do I keep a viewer engaged without creating a sense that my k-fin is building towards something? (My Question)

6. What does shields mean by “content tests focus”?

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