Category: Links

Week 11 FILM TV-1 Lecture

Choose a scene
-Whose listening
-Whose talking
-Analyse the rhythm
-The talking over (interrupting)
-Sound fx

An interesting concept for editing is showing the person whose listening in the scene, and having the dialogue being heard. We watch the listeners reaction to what the speaker is saying without actually seeing the speaker speak.

3 Way colour corrector in Adobe Premiere tutorials on Lynda

Audio editing
-Audio levels monitoring as well as hearing
-Level line
-Level nodes
-Mixing on the fly-why (raise or lower by raising the audio line)
-To mix audio you look at the audio levels on the bottom right corner of Premiere.
-You want all your peaking audio at -6 in Adobe Premiere whilst Audio mixing

snd fx
-Off the web
-Be wary of mp3s double compressed (be wary of iTunes, drag straight into premiere)

Colour grading/colour correction/shot matching
-Colour and exposure matching
-Making the image more punchy, larger than life, filmic, less video
-Sequence colour, every time you come across a clip that needs work you put it into the colour sequence. Never do it in the editing sequence.
-blacken the blacks
-saturate the colours
-Eight point Garbage Mat

200% or 50% speed. Never put the speed at 67%

Questions from Symposium 04

1. Bordwell and Thompson state that after watching Railroad Turnbridge a person “cannot see bridges in the same way” thus experimental films are not just art for arts sake. Can/are Korsakow projects art for arts sake, or can they effect the way people see things? Or like Rail Road Turnbridge are they both at once?

Korsakow films aren’t necessarily art for just art’s sake as they provide new ways to view what we see. They give you the ability to look at something in a new light, in a way you haven’t looked at them before through non narrative film. (Richard Serra, A Translation) states that “the physical turnbridge is the support of this experience, not its subject.”

Instead of focusing on the bridge itself, we focus on the movements of the bridge and around the bridge. We begin to focus on the visual effect it has on us. I begin to forget that I am looking at the movements of a bridge, and think that I am just looking at aesthetically pleasing movements. But then I still look at bridges the same way, just because I have been presented with an alternative view of bridges, I don’t forget what bridges are about. The film is beautiful and I like what I am watching, but it doesn’t change the way I look at bridges.

I have split views on the ‘art for art’s sake’ when it comes to the Rail Road Turnbridge and Korsakow.

Firstly, I think that, well, maybe this film is just ‘art for art’s sake, same with Korsakow. We want to make things for the fun of making them and we make them to please us, they may have no meaning what so ever. I tend to find myself drawing and painting, not because I want to convey a meaning, but because that is what I feel like doing at that time. One can look at any piece of artwork and make an analysis on what the artist’s meaning was, but sometimes there just isn’t any conscious meaning behind something. And Korsakow films, in particular the one that I watched Bright Splinters was beautiful and aesthetically appealing. And maybe that’s all it is.

But then I think, well, maybe it isn’t ‘art for art’s sake’.

If an emotion and response is provoked from the Korsakow, or any form of art, then it has done its role in connecting with people. Railroad Turnbridge was created with the purpose of  making us look at something differently, and just because it is aesthetically pleasing to watch, does that make it meaningless?

I don’t think I can make up my mind, so I guess I shall just go about my days, until I can decide.


So much for the future of Privacy


Jacob Appelbaum has been called the “most dangerous man in cyberspace.” But he’s not, and it’s a label that pisses him off. In reality, Appelbaum is a renowned cybersecurity expert who happens to be one of the developers for the Tor Project; a WikiLeaks collaborator who recently co-authored a book with Julian Assange, and a trusted friend of Edward Snowden confidant Laura Poitras, with whom he’s working on the NSA links for Der Spiegel.

In 2010, Jacob became a target of the US intelligence services due to his links with WikiLeaks; he’s been detained and had his electronic equipment seized a number of times.Not particularly fond of the persecution he was facing, Appelbaum moved to Germany, where he has been approached by almost all the main German political parties as a computer expert, and has been consulting on films dealing with cyber surveillance and the current digital-rights climate.


S O H N “The Wheel”

So if you haven’t checked out Noisey already, I highly recommend you do. “Noisey” is a music channel created by vice an international Media channel and magazine that focuses news topics, art and culture. Vice’s music channel “Noisey” focuses on music related interviews and features collections of interesting and non mainstream music videos that their viewers may not have heard but should hear!


The Rich Get Richer- Barabási Albert

The rich get richer and the law of increasing poverty relates to the The New science of Networks which shows how the biological food chain, business and commerce, the growth of cities share the same properties, which means they can be quantified and described with mathematical laws.
The Barabási- Albert (BA) model is an algorithm for generating random scale free networks (scale free networks are widely observed in natural and human- made systems, such as the Internet) using a preferential attachment mechanism. Barabási’s model is one of several proposed models that generates scale-free networks.

Humans in 100,000 years: What will we look like?

By Michael Roppolo
  • Future faces - Today.jpg

    Modern-day humans may someday evolve to have larger eyes, more pigmented skin and a thicker eyelids, thanks to genetic engineering technology. Here’s how they’ll change. (Nickolay Lamm /

  • Future faces - 20,000 Years.jpg

    In 20,000 years, in a world where genetic engineering is commonplace and humans have established colonies in space, human knowledge of the universe will increase and as such, the size of the brain will increase, Dr. Alan Kwan theorizes. As a result, the human head will have to become larger to accommodate the larger brain size. (Nickolay Lamm /

  • Future faces - 60,000 Years.jpg

    In 60,000 years, Dr. Alan Kwan states that after millennia of traveling through space, zygotic genome engineering will be used to create humans with larger eyes, more pigmented skin and a thicker eyelids. This will be done in order to see better in the dimmer environment of space, to shield humans from the UV rays and alleviate the effects of low to no gravity like today’s astronauts on the International Space Station. (Nickolay Lamm /

  • Future faces - 100,000 Years.jpg

    100,000 years from now, Dr. Alan Kwan believes that future humans will have much larger eyes and “eye-shine” due to the tapetum lucidum, a layer of tissue behind the retina of the eye. This would be done to help protect our eyes from cosmic rays. (Nickolay Lamm /

Homo sapiens have slowly evolved over thousands of millennia, but what happens when modern technology comes into play?

Visual artist, Nickolay Lamm of Pittsburgh, Pa., tried to answer that question. Interested in illustrating how humans would look like in 100,000 years, he asked science for the answers.

“Because I’m not expert in evolution, [I] got in touch with Dr. [Alan] Kwan who gave me his educated guess at what we may look like,” Lamm told in an email.

Working with Dr. Kwan, who has a PhD in computational genomics from Washington University, they established “one possible timeline” to future human evolution of sorts. It’s not science — just a “thought experiment,” Kwan has clarified — but it’s fascinating to think about.

Published on, these changes to modern-day humans were based on the assumption that by the 210th century, scientists will be able to modify human appearances before birth through zygotic genome engineering technology.

Kwan based his theories on the accepted idea that between 800,000 and 200,000 years ago, the Earth underwent a period of fluctuation in its climate, which resulted in a tripling of the human brain, as well as skull size. Scientists agree that the rapid changes in climate may have created a favorable environment for those with the ability to adapt to new challenges and situations.

This trend has noticeably continued, for British scientists have found that modern humans have less prominent features and higher foreheads than people during medieval times.

“My goal is to get people talking and thinking about things they otherwise wouldn’t have. For example, this ‘Future Face’ project is getting people talking about whether or not something like ‘Gattaca’ may happen,” Lamm told, referring to the 1997 movie starring Ethan Hawke.

Some have criticized Dr. Kwan for appearing to ignore common scientific knowledge. Such 100,000 year projections are “fantasy,” Razib Khan, a geneticist, told Matthew Herper of Forbes.

“This is more of a speculative look than a scientific look into one possible future where human engineering replaces natural evolution in determining human physiology, but we have been very happy that our humble project has garnered so much attention and provided a platform for others share their own vision of the future,” Kwan said, according to Lamm.

Read more:

I did not write this work (disclaimer page)

Design Fiction

I never really got into science fiction as a kid. I wasn’t interested in Star Wars films or Star Trek, however as technology has become more advanced I find  I am more interested in the future possibilities that lie ahead. I don’t know if that has just come with age or the fact that whilst in the depths of the internet it’s easy to stumble across ideas and design concepts.

It is a lot easier these days to communicate your concepts and show them to the world with the click of a button compared to let’s say ten years ago where you had to publish papers and know the right people in order to get your work noticed. Nowadays anyone can create a design concept of science fiction which could well and truly be reality in years ahead.

For example in ‘Space Odyssey’ an American 1968 science fiction film, there are scenes of what looks like the subjects of the film are holding iPads way before Apple had even developed the concept or produced their iPad. Back in 1968 this was such a futuristic concept that was considered so undoable at the time it was science fiction. Now many families own iPads and other similar technology which doesn’t faze us because that is where our world is in technology at the moment.

Dubai has probably one of the fastest growing businesses and are constantly developing designs that were once consider science fiction but now just amazing architectural work! For instance the underwater hotel in Dubai breaks all boundaries and presents such an advanced hotel experience to the public. The work is not finished, the design has been made and construction is currently being undertaken.

If you told your Grandparents, or even your parents that you could go and spend your holiday sleeping under the ocean surface, they would laugh at you because it ‘wasn’t possible’…well guess what, more and more is becoming possible everyday! Even the development of a hotel in space is under way! Who knows what we will be achieving within the next ten years!

Space Odyssey vs. Ipad


Life in Prison and Re-offending inmates

After finding myself in the depths of youtube like many do, I stumbled across prison documentaries and the gangs that form within prisons.

In particular I saw a link on my page about a documentary made by the National Geographic with the dramatic heading Extreme Prison Gangs. This sparked immediate interest within myself and I began to watch what I expected to be an exciting and scary portrayal of life in prison.

40 minutes later I found myself thinking about life in prison, the people behind bars and the complete change of lifestyle one must prepare themselves for. A particular comment that stood out for me the most was how people go to prison for criminal acts and may deserve to be there, however recent statistics show that 60 percent of convicted adults will return to prison within 15 years of being released. The figure being even more dramatic with jueveniles with an immense 80 percent.

This figure so high made me immediately doubt the reliability of the source and after further research found that this is true with most prisons across the US and Australia, give or take a few. In particular the US has such a high return rate of re-offending criminals, and it’s surprising more work hasn’t gone into re-evaluating the system. This got me thinking about our legal system and how mum is always telling me that the way the law is set up at the moment, we are all being made criminals in regards to how easy it is to be fined these days, especially if you own a car, i.e speeding fines, parking violations etc.

The documentary and many others that I continued to watch discussed life in prison and how those that go in for relatively minor offences are forced to succumb to the rough way of life in order to protect themselves from the brutality that can occur. You may have gone in for a non violent offence, however to live in a corrupt world, you must learn to be corrupt yourself. You no longer live by the rules you grew up with out in the community. Now you live by prison rules where every day you must be cautious of who you offend or get in the way of because you don’t just get told off, you are stabbed or beaten to be shown where you stand within this community.

I don’t question the ability of our legal system and their ability to keep our streets relatively safe in regards to taking criminals off the street and protecting out families, however, I do believe that the rehabilitation process within prisons needs to be worked on as the clear statistics show that something is not working and the return rate of criminals is way too high.