Update from the Outer Trenches

Been a bloody busy first week of semester. Still trying to subscribe to everyone’s blogs via RSS (had some OPML hiccups), add new blogs for the newcomers, sort out classes. Let alone all the honours students.

Anyway, no lecture Monday (ducks as whoosh of collective exhalation of pleasure courses by) but the making task is ready for week 2. And the reading.

This also means that in week 3 when we gather for the 80.10.17 gabfest it will be Tuesday 12:30’s (Seth) duty and honour to have developed the first lot of questions about the first readings for the gathered panel of Adrian, Hannah, Jasmine, and Seth.

Enjoy the sun.

While it lasts.

New Blogs

If you didn’t have a blog, and sent an email asking for one, you now have a blog. You should have got an email with username, password, log in url to your student email address. If you haven’t please check your spam filter.
