Analysis/Reflection 3. Question 3.

In the lecture it was discussed why we shoot to edit, 2 reasons for this are;

1. To manage and manipulate expression, feeling and atmosphere. A plethora of raw footage allows room to create during the editing process.

2. The understanding of sounds and sound practices is another reason why we shoot to edit. Filming in such a way with the knowledge that sound can be manipulated or added in, in the editing process allows for a more varied and less restricted filimg process.

Notes from my notebook that I don’t know the origin.

Only with the growing popularity of the novel throughout the 18th and 19th centuries did prose gain prominent position as a suitable language for literature.

Narratives have two levels; WHAT and HOW.
WHAT: What is told. STORY.
HOW: How is it told. DISCOURSE.

DISCOURSE: comprises various elements of transmission.
-it is discourse that is accessible to us, we learn about the story via discourse.
-elements of discourse determine our perception of the story.
-the analysis of elements of discourse reveals how the reader is ‘manipulated’ into forming certain views about the story.

From the reading about Lists.

Lists divide or leave divided.

They offer only the ‘relationship of accumulation’, they refuse the definite relationships put onto words through the syntax of language. They are made up of disconnected elements, they ‘turn the flowing legato of a literary account into the jarring staccato of real being’.

We have found comfort in the relations between units, we prefer continuity and smoothness over fitfulness.
The disjunction of lists is emphasised by their off-pitch sounds instead of flow.

‘Lists remind us that no matter how fluidly a system may operate, its members nevertheless remain utterly isolated’.

They are inexpressive, they free us from the mode of representation.

From the Ryan reading.

Causality is a feature of every linear fiction story, events happen because it is convenient to the progress of the plot. Events arise due to cause and effect, due to the relation that events have to its predecessor and to the one that will come after. This is a highly artificial landscape. In real life, events happens because of ‘reasons’ but not because they are a part of some bigger chain of events that will eventuate in the awareness of a higher purpose.

These events are the raw material out of which a story is made. The story is the representation of these events, it is a cognitive construct that concerns these events and how they are related. From this story we can begin to build a narrative.

A narrative is the ‘textual actualization’ of a story. A narrative is the retelling of a story. It deals with HOW events are told, narrative is the method of how we construct the story into a plot.