Media Studio | Thurs Wk. 8

Today we were introduced to our final collaborative project of the year, Project Brief 4 at Signal.

“Signal is a creative arts studio for young people 13 to 25. At Signal, you work alongside professional artists in a collaborative way. Located in the heart of the city, Signal is a place for making, showing, inspiring and developing Melbourne’s creative young talent – in every medium.  Signal is open to young people from all walks of life and ability – you don’t need any experience to take part at Signal.”

We have decided to have our exhibition for the Specific To Site class hosted here, and we will create four 8 second films, accompanied 30 second audio piece. At Signal we will project very wide-screened films across windows on the cornered building on Flinders lane all in align with a particular theme for each individual, I’m very excited to work on this project, it’s something I haven’t done before and I’m also excited to see what everyone else will produce.

As this is an exhibition run by us, we have divided our class into teams to help the production of this event, there is a PR team, documentation team, tech team and more. I was placed into the PR team with Rose, Linda and Marissa, and we are going to be involved in promoting the event and getting it recognised by the public, which includes advertisements, invites, press kits, and creating a website.

Media Studio | Thurs Wk. 5

Today was our second lot of presentations for Project Brief 3 and today mine was displayed. I gave an introduction of how my video aimed to present the idea of a carpark being a “nonplace”, and I received great feedback. My classmates and Robbie were very supportive, giving my advice on things to fix as well as stating things that they liked about my work.

Second half of our class was dedicated to the arrangement of our BBQ backpack night at the Testing Grounds, everyone was getting amongst their groups, and we arranged food, times, equipment and allocated jobs to certain to students. This was to ensure the night ran smoothly and was to be enjoyable for all. We also were given our artist that we were to interview for our Project Brief 3, I am in a group with Elle and Nicolette and our artist is named Ari, I’m excited to start working on it.


Media 1, Week 2 Tutorial Reflection

Today marks a week until our first project is due. I’m not going to lie I’m struggling for ideas. I have a big brainstorm but I’m not entirely sure how I want to work things. For the self-portraits I think I have nailed it down to working on silhouettes and abstract reflections, and then for sound and video I have thought to aim that at my work and my home as these are both considered family to me, which assists in representing my true sense of self. Today, I researched different self-portraits and I came across some amazing pieces of self-portrait work by 18-year old photographer, Laura Williams. Below are few examples of her work:

Photographed by Laura Williams

Photographed by Laura Williams

Photographed by Laura Williams

Photographed by Laura Williams


I have planned what days I am going to work on what part of the task, now it’s just up to me getting up and completing the actual assignment. Hopefully it all goes accordingly to plan.