Media 1, Week 11 Tutorial reflection

We got a little bit ahead of ourselves, and when were to present our first draft to Dan, we tried to discuss with him extra work to do, such as creating a website to support our podcast and luckily for Dan, we realised that we were doing extra work, and therefore we decided to stick to our simplistic podcast idea and try put all our creative thoughts towards that. We shared our ideas with what we wanted to record, and some of us had created a script. We decided that by the end of next week all of our recording would be done with that, and we all would have one advertisement. Hopefully everyone is successful and we have more to show next week!

Media 1, Week 10 Tutorial Reflection

This week we had finally come up with an idea for how we want to portray our artefact, we decided to create a podcast, and we would split the workload up into 3 segments. We split the segments up in a different way this time, I was going to discuss the relationship between music and emotions, Helena would discuss the educational use of podcasts and sounds, and Katie was going to discuss the use of radio and voice communication.

We also decided to make it more realistic we could create advertisements and a radio station to represent to spark up the creativity with our work. Hopefully it turns out well!

Media 1, Week 6 Tutorial Reflection

Today’s tutorial was beneficial because I learnt how to use a recording device as we spent an hour recording a range of different sounds and seeing how a particular microphone worked in different situations. Problems we encountered were being placed in the CBD, and therefore if we tried to arranged to record a conversation, a truck may beep in the middle, and also other conversations would get mixed in the recording. The microphone did do a great job of recording, however it was impossible to remove background noise. Our most successful recordings were of myself talking, and an interview within the classroom as many people had left so the only sound you could focus on was our voices.

What I discovered about the mic technique was if you held the microphone too close to your mouth, the sound produced was very scruffy. The microphone needed to be about 10-15cm away from the microphone to hear a clear tone, however if they were yelling or talking loud, it would need to be drawn even further away. Once recordings had been done, our group uploaded our files to our computer and created a log on excel of our findings, which is also where we reflected on what we had achieved in this recording experience.

microphone Screen Shot 2015-04-16 at 11.36.14 am

Media 1, Week 5 Tutorial Reflection

Due to work commitments, I was unable to get out of this course my boss paid for to update my qualification and therefore could not attend. From what I heard I missed out on presenting my video as well as seeing many others in the class, which is disappointing. However, I was able to look at others on their blogs and I was very impressed with many of my other classmate’s work. We also learnt how to work a new camera, and microphones to utilise for a Project Brief 3 (which I am struggling to think of a subject to base it on) so I will have to ask a classmate to show me how to work one of them, or my tutor next lesson.

Media 1, Week 2 Tutorial Reflection

Today marks a week until our first project is due. I’m not going to lie I’m struggling for ideas. I have a big brainstorm but I’m not entirely sure how I want to work things. For the self-portraits I think I have nailed it down to working on silhouettes and abstract reflections, and then for sound and video I have thought to aim that at my work and my home as these are both considered family to me, which assists in representing my true sense of self. Today, I researched different self-portraits and I came across some amazing pieces of self-portrait work by 18-year old photographer, Laura Williams. Below are few examples of her work:

Photographed by Laura Williams

Photographed by Laura Williams

Photographed by Laura Williams

Photographed by Laura Williams


I have planned what days I am going to work on what part of the task, now it’s just up to me getting up and completing the actual assignment. Hopefully it all goes accordingly to plan.

Media 1, Week 1 Tutorial Reflection

During today’s tutorial, the tutor, Daniel Binns, provided the students with an overview of the course, a step by step process on the blogs, and he then elaborated on our first project of the semester. I found the blog very simple to use and I easily set it up, personalising it and creating new posts. When Dan was explaining project 1, I became really excited as photography is my favourite hobby and millions of ideas came rushing through my mind on how to approach this task. I love the idea of trying to avert from the traditional idea of a self-portrait to create something abstract that questions the meaning of what a self-portrait is by only using raw material.

Seems like a challenge, but who doesn’t love a challenge? #letmetakeaselfie