Observation #18

My dad exclaims “look at the fire the neighbours have over there!”.

Through the blinds, I see a ginormous flame burning on the hill next to my house. I quickly go outside to take a closer looks, and I bring my camera too so I can capture it digitally. the fire burns high, with huge clouds of smoke floating and evaporating into the sky. Through the camera, I can see the embers whizzing through the air, disappearing a few seconds after emerging from the flame. All of sudden I hear galloping, and to my left a swarm of horses run freely down the hill where my house is situated.

The sun has already set, and so the blue sky falls darker and darker as each minute passes. I sit and appreciate the distant neighing, and I can faintly hear the music the neighbours loudly play as they enjoy their bonfire. The night falls upon the rolling hills and the cars on the highway become just lights, smoothly whooshing past, twinkling against the now almost unintelligible trees and shrubs against the road. Because of where I am sitting, and the direction of the wind, I unfortunately can’t smell the fire. Otherwise, as I sit and take in my surroundings, I think about what a perfect evening this has turned out to be.

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