Week Six: Archival//Found Footage

This week’s project focuses on the use of archival and found footage. My first plan was to do a short history of agriculture documentary but I struggled to find a good timeline of archival to do so. After perusing archive.org for a ridiculously long time, I decided that my best bet would be to play around with a more poetic form.

So, Bees.

I pulled a lot of footage from pexels.com, pixabay.com & archive.org to make a short video on bees; the lifeforce of our food. Most of the sound came with the videos that I time-stretched and pulled particular moments to repeat over. I also liked that a lot of the Pexels footage came in 4k, I edit in 1080, so it gave me room to play around with scale and adding a bit of movement to the footage to create the slow track in to the bees.

I am quite happy with the end result, I just wish that I could have used more archival and less royalty-free footage from Pexels & Pixabay. I’ve used those two for remixing and practicing editing before, so it would be nice to learn how to navigate and use archival better for myself.




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