New Media Reading Reflection

Essentially New Media refers to the change in how traditional media has evolved over the century. Ubiquity – the fact that it’s found everywhere and accessible everywhere plays a major factor in this concept. Behind the term ‘new media’ lies two main concepts that have been introduces quite recently over the a coupe of decades – Digital media and Online Media. Digital media refers to the aspects of information that can be compressed and the accessibility of data that’s much faster than ‘the ol’ traditional way’ with books and whatnot. Online media however, differs in the aspect that it directly refers to the usage of the internet – taking into consideration the element of connectivity among individuals of society. Hence the term ‘New media’ which directly refers to how these two aspects of the digital age have come together to form a new type of medium that allows for easily accessible online/digital content – i.e. videos, pictures, advertising.

In terms of how this relates to our studios and what we’re attempting to understand – New media refers heavily to online video making as it opens up a whole new world of video creation/experimentation. What we need to take from this is to be able to understand how to analyse an online video, and applying certain principles of what may make one and experiment on how we can apply those principles and techniques to our own online videos that we’ll be focusing on after out initial sketches exploring how we may go about applying certain techniques.

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