Spoilers be Spoilin’

Why must people insist on spoiling pivotal moments of your favourite TV show?

After following the rollercoaster ride of ups and downs that your favourite characters have endured over multiple seasons, the last thing you want is someone spoiling it for you. With millions of fans being so dedicated to watching Game of Thrones as soon as it comes out, you would think that fans of the show would be respectful to one another and not spoil THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT let alone on social media.

I mean, you have to give people at least three days to watch the latest episode after it is released, and not spoil it the following day. And you certainly don’t write #gameofthronesspoilers after you have already spoiled it – who even uses hashtags on Facebook, like seriously?

You shouldn’t be spoiling it at all. What even makes you think you have the right? I’ve dedicated just as much time on the show as you have, and Arya has been my favourite character since the first season (not a spoiler) unlike YOU who after last week’s episode posted “New favourite character Arya Stark!” Bitch please. Just don’t. Maybe it’s my fault, I should’ve seen the warning signs and unfriended you before it got to this, but I thought I’d at least give you the benefit of the doubt. My bad.

It’s bad enough that fans of the book series smugly remind you that they know what is going to happen, and tempt you with asking them for spoilers, but to blatantly spoil Game of Thrones out of all shows on social media? Well, let’s just say you disgraceful spoilers are lucky that the days of beheading are long gone.

Or are they…?

Valar Morghulis bitches.

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