Week 1 Online Video through the Looking-Screen of VidCon

Week 1: My Relationship with Online Media

Link to Vlog 1:

Week 1 and back to vlogging, I remember doing this for Media 1 as well and I found it exciting to do so. I wanted to experience more work with a camera and filming and while I don’t think the quality was the best for this vlog, I’m happy with what I achieved and hope to further improve my skills for the next vlog.
One interesting note from our exercise and the Vlogumentary we watched during class time was how each vlogger we looked at had a certain style or personality that would be used to engage audience members. It was a small exaggeration of their personality to keep up a persona for audience members to enjoy and relate to. Which can be good as it sets a standard for videos and allows audience members to know what to expect from your content and enjoy it. It’s something I hope to develop in my vlogs as well so that I can look back and see in my own style of vlogging. However, this has its disadvantages if you don’t keep up the persona.
Audiences can feel betrayed and let down that you aren’t what they expected to be and can feel as though you have been lied to. Just like with other celebrities for movies or music, your audience can turn easily on you if they feel as though you have let them down.

I filmed my vlog using a Canon DSLR 6D Mark ii and a tripod at around my height to film a close up for my vlog. I also filmed in my parents’ bedroom to allow for my more natural light albeit it was much later when I filmed compared to when the photo was taken, which is why the lighting isn’t the best. Something to definitely take into account for my next vlog.

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