Media Platform_Assignment 1

Media Making/context

Week one blog link:

Why is it important for media practitioners to develop software literacies?

Software literacy is a kind of emerging to the concept and essential part of learning and living in the 21st century, although the current debates around this do not acknowledge software as an actant in the world (Kitchin & Dodge, 2011). It includes a significant understanding of how the affordances and conceptual approaches of everything from operating systems, creative apps and media editors, to software-base platforms. For media practitioners to develop software literacies is very important. Specifically, it helps media practitioners foundational skill, can use particular software, recognising and deploying its key affordances. Second, practitioners can independently draw upon a variety of resources in their troubleshooting when using the software. And finally, is to have to think critically about software. (Khoo, Hight, Torrens and Cowie, 2017) As the media practitioners evaluate software, they decide whether the messages make sense, why certain information was included, what wasn’t included, and what the key ideas are. They learn to use examples to support their opinions. Then they can make up their own minds about the information based on the knowledge they already have.


Week two blog link:

What is your understanding of the concept of ‘affordances?

In my understanding of ‘Affordance, this is a term most designers will have come across at some stage of their studies and careers. It is often misattributed to Norman, who first mentioned affordances in the context of design in The Design of Everyday Things (Norman,1988). However, the notion of an ‘affordance’ was conceived by James J. Gibson, a prominent perceptual psychologist, who originally used the term to describe “…the actionable properties between the world and a user”.

Affordances are properties of objects which show users the actions they can take. Users should be able to perceive affordances without having to consider how to use the items. For example, a button can be designed to look as if it needs to be turned or pushed. And According to the Norman mention about the “Complex things may require explanation, but simple things should not. When simple things need pictures, labels, or instruction, the design has failed”, therefore this design example is accord with the definition of affordance. But as far as I am concerned, we have many tactics to follow to help people understand how to use our designs. It is important to be clear about the distinctions among them, for they have very different functions and implications. Sloppy thinking about the concepts and tactics often leads to sloppiness in design. And the sloppiness in design translates into confusion for users. A good design not is according to the label or picture, is according to different kind of people to define. To some of the normal person, maybe the simple things not need to explain, but for some other people, it does need to explain and for me, explain clear can defined ‘good’.


Week three blog link:

How would you define Instagram?

Instagram is an app that can provided an online photo-sharing service. It allows user to apply various types of image filters to the user photos with a simple click, then shares them with others. While is a rather basic service, but the simplicity has helped it achieve the broad following.

How would you define online video in this context?

From the technology is the general field that deals with the transmission of digital video over the internet. From a personal view, I think online video is very complexities but significant for nowadays. Because this is an ambitious,richly-layered and resonant thing: it alive to broader aesthetic, technical, political, and cultural questions.

After several years, the online video has been transformed from an expensive to distribute media-form to one which can be networked, shared, downloaded and re-used with ease, therefore it also increases the possibilities for its monetization and to be a realization tool in media platform, such as the product placement.


Practice Analysis

This video is created and uploaded by Elleusa on the second of August. The mainly and content is about how to match the makeup with mask during the COVID-19 period. First, Elleusa follower is the top targets audience. Second, is someone whos care about the COVID-19, and looking for some fun.

Personally, I don’t think this video makes very hard in technically, is looking more like a selfie, but also look professional. And this is exactly Instagram, because by using Instagram, the video or picture can liven up otherwise mediocre images and make them look more professional. For example, Instagram’s Valencia filter brightens photos and enhances the contrast, improving the appearance of drab photos. The Earlybird filter adds a slight blur to the image, warms the colours, and vignettes the corners, giving photos a softer look. You can also make more drastic changes to photos using a filter like “1977,” which makes images look like vintage photographs taken with an old camera.

That kind of video is similarities with the makeup video, belong display video and is popular in girls. Although display video is not that new, but the innovation is in the context publication is using the topic of COVID-19 to making different display video, that is a different and interesting point.


Khoo E, Hight C, Torrens R, Cowie B 2017, ‘Introduction: Software and other Literacies’ in Software Literacy: Education and Beyond, (Links to an external site.) Springer, Singapore. (pp.1-12) Software+Literacy.pdf

Norman, D 1998, The design of everyday things, (Links to an external site.) Basic Book, New York (Sections: Preface vii-xv; Chapter one pp 1-13; Chapter 4 (constraints) pp 81-87; (computers) pp 177-186).

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