NM: Week 9 Photo


How did you author (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?
For the authoring, all 3 weeks on photo and videos will have a theme of revealing what is behind the mystery door. I wanted to capture 3 different types of users on Instagram an amateur, a professional inside Instagram and a professional with a camera phone over the next few weeks. This photo was authored to have the aesthetics of an amateur Instagram user.

I used the rear facing camera of an iPhone XR. To gain this aesthetic there was no planning done, I did not use the Instagram aspect ratio, I did not use any filters, had poor lighting, did not edit the photo. I had only taken one shot instead of taking multiple and choosing from them to make it look as poor quality as possible.

The difference from my authoring if I was to take an amateur shot from a camera is that I would not have to worry about the aspect ratio of Instagram.

How did you publish (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?
Only one image was taken as I wanted it to have the aesthetics of an amateur and I wanted the quality to look super poor. Usually, when I upload to Instagram take a few images a curate through them.

The geolocation was added in the photo to add to the theme of mystery doors. I kind of want people to look for the door and see what is behind it.
For my caption, I decided to ask a question to try and encourage engagement. The caption was ‘ What is behind the mystery door?’ I used hashtags in the caption and dotted out the rest of the hashtags. The hashtags I used were #stainglasswindow, #door, #mysterydoor, #door and #what. I struggled to think of many hashtags that relate to doors.

How did you distribute (the photo or video) you published on Instagram to other social media services?
I also distributed this photo on Tumblr on a new account that I made for this research blog. I posted the same image with the same caption and hashtags. I found that I should not make the caption longer or the photo any different as Tumblr and Instagram are both visual-based platforms.

The second social media I used was twitter account I also made originally for this project. The post was a lot different this time as Twitter is more of text-based platform. The caption I use was longer it was ‘ Found this series of mystery doors around #melbourne come along for the journey. This is the mystery door one wonder what is behind it.

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