NM: Week 10 Video

How did you author (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

The video for this week is also a revile as it will be all three weeks. This will not all be done in the Instagram app as it is not possible to mask on Instagram.

This video was recorded using the rear face camera of an iPhone XR. The video was also edited using an app called Video Leap. This week I learned more about Video Leap so I could do more editing. In Video Leap Coram key out the background of my stock video, changed the brightness, added a filter and edited the contact.

The difference is still just the editing process. I find that recording is the same a digital camera just the quality isn’t as high.

How did you publish (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

I selected the best video from a range of different recordings. I chose the one with the best angle mainly because I used my drink bottle as a tripod as I was at uni with no tripod.

The caption this week was the same as the week 9 photo as that way got me the most engagement and I want to try it out again to see if it was the image, the way I hashtagged or the hashtags I use that got me that much engagement.

How did you distribute (the photo or video) you published on Instagram to other social media services?

This week video on Tumblr was the same as the last two blogs. I just decided to customize my page on Tumblr to make it more appalling to try and get more people to come and visit it as it is not getting a lot of engagement.

Twitter is doing well so I have decided to keep writing long captions and having a lot of hashtags. I mainly think it is doing well because I use a lot of hashtags.

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