Not So Tame Impala

A lot of things change in 2.5 years. Planes can go missing without a trace, Entire hoards of people can be placed into indefinite detention, students can undertake new university degrees, and bands can change their trajectory of sound.


The later can be said about the new Tame Impala track ‘Let It Happen’.


October 2012 marked the release of their sophomore album ‘Lonerism’. This release was an complete amalgamation of the psychedelic rock sounds they had been previously known for and the new pop sounds that they had recently discovered. The release was an international success reaching both Gold and Silver status’ in Australia and the U.K respectively. This combination of sounds managed to resonate with both the public buying their records and the audiophiles alike and afforded Tame Impala the success that followed.


<<Fast-forward to March 2015>>


Tame Impala have dropped their brand new release upon the world via their website and packaged it as a digital download. The cost for such a thing? Merely exchanging your email address and you will be enabled to get the song for free.


The song is a strong move forward for the band, pushing them further into the pop sounds they explored on their last record, and facilitating Kevin Parkers (frontman for Tame Impala) newfound obsession with the synthesiser. This change in trajectory, apparent in ‘Let It Happen’ is likely to divide their fans, however the effect it truly has will only become fully apparent when their new record (the self titled ‘Tame Impala’) gets its release later in 2015.



Credit to Tame Impala.


– donandsherri

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