Unlecture #4

I was glad to see the first symposium had turned out successful this week. Some questions have been framed from the design fiction reading last week and now we all have a chance to discuss these questions as a group with all the tutors and other students.

I had assumed that “Design Fiction” is a contemporary form of forward-thinking intervention that has been enabled by the current networked media environment.- Bruce Sterling.  However, this unlecture has given me much more understand about this topic.

One of the clear example that you can put yourself in to understand the concept of this topic, which is the question that Adrian addressed: “What do you think your job will look like in 2020? If you study media now are you sure you gonna be a journalist in 2020? Or you will be a filmmaker? Yeah everything change day by day and we don’t know what will happen next. Look at the present and think of possibilities for the future and ask question: “ How will I make money?” or “ who will pay me?” Imagined future for those answer that is design fiction.

Imagined future or we call design fiction is one of the way to produce a creative ideas for the better or dreamed future. As Adrian informed us that Google gives its employees a day off per week to do whatever they like, yeah they were paid to play. Play what they are interested in and motivate them, without controlling and just simple being themselves. And of course the products of those fun and design fiction times belong to Google. That is such unbeatable way to collect the most creative idea of your employees and no wonder why Google is so successful and get stronger everyday.

I think I would love to work for them not just because they pay good but also the way they create the environment for your  thinking freely to fly.


Google office

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