Week9 class reflection

In this week’s class, we went through some lighting techniques. Paul introduced DEDO KIT to us. There are three lights in it, there are also different colors of filters we can use. In lighting, there are three main lights, key light, background light and fill light. In the class, all of us worked like a crew to finish one short scene, ‘look at Aidan’. It was a simple scene, but we spend the whole class working on it just to get everything right and good enough. Everyone got some practice and gained experience from it. First we set up cameras, adjust audio, connect to audio kits and boom. Then we did the white balance, exposure and focal length on camera. When everything is ready, The assistant is calling the shots, as I remembered, it was something like audio set, camera rolling, slice in, frame, slice out, and then director calls annnnd action. Secondly we use the lights equipment, the key light is hanged over Aidan’s head, the background light is placed behind Aidan, the fill light is a white reflector some one holding and standing at the side of Aidan. when the lighting was all set, we can see a soft wrapping lights and a clear glaze side of Aidan’s face from camera lens. The lighting was good, next thing was about camera movement and construction. When we took the first shot, the camera coverage is quite wide and loose. The movement is bit slower than the action. After Paul suggest to make the frame tighter and ask the actors to slow down a bit, the shot improved a lot. We spend the whole class to finish this one simple scene, this makes me understand the importance of a scene with good quality. There are always areas that we can improve in one scene. So keep digging and improving.

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