Future Thinking – week6 reading

In this article, the author, a researcher in psychology discusses and analysis five different ways of thinking.

The first way – disciplined

Disciplined way of thinking refers to training to perfect a skill. For instance, when you start doing something, don’t just do it, taking down notes while you are doing it. In this way you can look at and learn from your notes after. There will be a big room for you to improve next time. After few times’ practice, you will become more skilled and confident in whatever you are doing. Practice makes the perfect.

The second way – synthesizing

Imaging that you are making a collage, you take whatever you need from somewhere else to make a whole new thing. It works the same way in business. For a manager, his/her job is to call for synthesis. First of all, the manager needs to know what to be done, then they distribute them to various workers to finish. Also they look back and try to carry out the best future missions.

The third way – creating 

It is born from the synthesis of disciplinary perspectives. Creative breakthrough usually happens more on young generation, leaders, creative industry like media, fashion and etc.

The fourth and fifth way – respectful and ethical 

When it comes to respect, it refers avoiding stereotyping and caricaturing. Try to understand others from their perspectives additionally. What’s more, learn to trust others and at the same time, earn their trust. When it comes to ethical, identify yourself.


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