reflection on ‘making tea’

When I was shooting this one, I shot it using my Canon 700D. The audio was actually really good, but I found limitation of focal length. As the first scene I made this semester, it turned out to be ok. As I said in my presentation, I am going to shoot some ordinary events like this for my project. Also I will be focusing on actions. So for my exercise, I choose to shoot with a tight framing. There are lots of close-ups in my exercise. I am try to find a way to express a person’s emotion, personality, the environment she is in through these close-up shots.

In this scene, we can see some blurry background of the kitchen counter and sitting room. I intend to cover this in the framing to show the living environment of the character. One thing that actually surprised me is the audio. Firstly the quality is really good. Secondly it creates the atmosphere-when I was recording, I forget to turn off the radio, so it record the singing from the radio as well. It sounds really nice, singing in distance. However when you try to put some music when editing, it is different. As I am trying to combine documentary and drama elements in my work, the ‘plain recording’ sometimes is what I need.

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