Eduardo and Steve- Wendy Zhang

Eduardo and Steve is a story filmed by Wendy, Alice, Alannah and Josh and scripted by Robin Plunkett from the Designing Drama Studio. It tells the story about Steve rocks up at Eduardo’s front door and is invited for some time together.

For this production, our group gathered and discussed how we were going to film this piece and collectively decided to split our group of four into pairs and did two versions of it, so all members are able to act and edit. My piece was filmed by Josh and Alice, and they did a good job with the shots and handled the acting well despite the restrictions to lockdown. For the pieces we put together, we were our own directors, editors and actors and I enjoyed being every single one of them as I develop my skills in these different areas of film production.

Many thanks to Robin and the entire class for making Designing Drama an integral part of fuelling the passions for media making and being able to experience the different areas of film production as we develop our skills and interest in making media.

Wendy Zhang

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