Picture = 1000 words ∴ 4 seconds of 25fps video = 100,000 words.

Tram Surfing

A few weeks ago I participated in a rather interesting shoot. Tram Sessions is an organisation that takes upcoming artists and puts them on Melbourne’s trams to perform their latest tunes. Oh, did I mention they made such occasions into music videos? As a videographer on one such project, I found the un-officious and warm…

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(False) Perceptions

The first term of our course has nearly drawn to a close. Now, I must at this point discuss something that is rarely outwardly expressed. Within certain university courses, there exists an expectation that a student must, on their own initiative become an active and vibrant member of the course’s corresponding real-world discipline. Such an…

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Interviews – The Psychology

There is always a hint of nervousness when one does something that, in adventure, exceeds pouring oneself a Milo. On this occasion, the author of my slight apprehension was the thought of approaching strangers in such a way that would invite them to share their beliefs and values on camera. However,  using a technique which…

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Class Team Work

One has to love a good stock image… When PB4 was announced as a team-focused exercise, a fair amount of the lecture theatre either groaned or laughed nervously. However, after this week’s practical, I can honestly say that their fears were misguided. A quick scan of the room reveals a set of content groups humming…

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Teamwork: The Only Way To Do

“There’s a level of sophistication of filmmaking that’s mind-boggling. Anything you need for your movie, there’s an establishment that can make it happen really fast” –                Ang Lee Not many worthwhile things happen without teamwork. This  is true for any human endeavor in any discipline. Need to move…

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Teamwork: Universally Imperative

We live in a world of collaboration. Moreover, this characteristic is by no means specific to this age. The ability to work in a team is fundamental; as social creatures, it is hardwired into our nature to be  part of  a  team. In fact, I  can bet with absolute certainty that you wouldn’t even be…

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