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Teamwork: Universally Imperative

We live in a world of collaboration. Moreover, this characteristic is by no means specific to this age. The ability to work in a team is fundamental; as social creatures, it is hardwired into our nature to be  part of  a  team. In fact, I  can bet with absolute certainty that you wouldn’t even be alive today if there was no collaboration.

To begin,  let’s be yucky and point out that two, yes two, zygotes needed to get on well before you could enter the picture. Once that happened, your single cell (yes, you were once one cell only) began to split and grow. This process repeated millions of times and continue to repeat until you die. But I assume you aren’t dead now,  so let’s continue. As you read this  there are 37.2 Trillion cells in your body,  all, yes all working together to  keep you ticking over. (37 200 000 000 000)

Furthermore, your development was fostered by your collaboration with two, or sometimes one individual: your parents. I understand that discussion of single parenthood is subject to all sorts of PC pitfalls. But on a simple level, it is just easier to share the load if possible. The reason you were fed, sheltered and educated was because you were helped. You could not have survived without your family, be they biological or otherwise.

Now it gets sad:

We are totally helpless on our own. We have absolutely zero independence from  the entities that build infrastructure, grow food, make our clothes, supply subsidies, love us, help us, mind our pets,  discover medicines, govern us, support us, heal us, protect us… the full list would breach  WordPress’s data space restrictions.

What if the electricians took an extended collective sabbatical?

What if the electricians took an extended collective sabbatical?

You get the idea.  We, as individuals are helpless. What if the trains didn’t run? What  if your electricity was cut? These two  things are pretty trivial in the grand scheme of things, but it would render the majority of Melbournians ineffective. So remember; teamwork is not just important, it is fundamental.


michaelfirus • April 18, 2016

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