My Media use- Day 5


Instagram- Scrolled through my feed

Facebook-  Scrolled through my newsfeed

Spotify- Listened to the Les Miserables album

My Blog-  I posted a ‘mymediause’ blog post

Television- I watched Married at First Sight

Internet- I googled ‘The Age’ to check the news


I use google to type in ‘The Age’ into the search bar, then links of related pages to websites is displayed on a google page, I click on the official ‘The Age’ website. This website then displays all the current local and world news that I have the option to read, as well as videos I might also be interested in watching.

I was in the mood to listen to the musical ‘Les Miserables’, so instead of usually clicking on the ‘Global 50’ playlist on Spotify, I typed into the search bar ‘Les Miserables’, then clicked the Les Miserables original film album, and chose the specific songs I wanted to listen to by clicking on them.


I looked at ‘The Age’ website for my own interest as I like to keep up to date with the latest news, and I find the internet site a really easy way to access all current news, as the website continues to refresh new stories coming through. I listened to Spotify for my entrainment, and Les Miserables especially, because I love musicals, and Les Miserables is my all time favourite musical.

My Media use-Day 4


Instagram- Scrolled through my feed and explore page

Facebook- Scrolled through my newsfeed

Internet- Gumtree website for work

Twitter- Scrolled through my twitter feed, and checked to see what was trending


When I am at work doing admin, I take photos of equipment or appliances were are selling online via Gumtree. Therefore I send the photos of the appliances we are selling from my phone to my laptop, then I upload the photos onto Gumtree, along with some information about the appliances and how much we are selling it for. Throughout the day I check the Gumtree ads, by clicking on the tab ‘manage ads’  to see if there are any buyers.

I also check twitter, not as often as I do check Instagram and Facebook, but again I scroll through my feed as it is always the first thing displayed on my screen when I tap the twitter app. Once I have seen all posts on my feed, I click the search icon in the top right hand corner of the screen to allow me to see the world twitter trends.


I am active on the Gumtree website and upload photos of appliances to sell because it is apart of my work, and something that needs to get done in the work place. People depend on me to find buyers in order to sell equipment that we no longer need to use.

I use twitter for my enjoyment, again like Facebook and Instagram, I love how it can so quickly connect me to the world. I mainly use twitter to see what celebrities I like are up to, and also to see the top trends in order to feel on top of what is going on in the world.

My Media use- Day 3


Instagram- Scrolled through my feed and also on the explore page

Facebook- Scrolled through my newsfeed

Messenger- Message my group of friends

Blog- Wrote Saturday’s ‘My Media Use Blog’

Netflix- Watched the movie ‘Me Before You’

Spotify- Listened to the Global 50 playlist


To listen to music, I click the Spotify icon on my laptop, I then click ‘browse’ on the left hand side column, then click ‘charts’, to then click ‘global top 50’. A list of the top 50 songs currently listened to across the world is available for me to listen to, and I then choose the songs I want to listen to, or I shuffle the songs.

My favourite app on my phone is Instagram, as I love to look at peoples photos and know about what is going on in their lives. Therefore I scroll through my feed of the people I follow and see their posts, sometimes I double tap to like the photo or I don’t. I then get into the habit of clicking the explore page icon, which leads me to see many different photos from people I don’t follow, yet I somehow have a liking, interest or connection to.


I listen to music on Spotify for entertainment, as I use music as an enjoyable way to escape from the everyday world for a while. I also love to listen to the Global 50 sings as I love to keep up to date with the latest hits trending around the world. I also use Instagram for entertainment, and to keep in touch with the social media world around me, I love to connect with all of my friends who I follow, and also celebrities.

My Media Use-Day 2


Instagram- Scrolled through my feed

iMessage-Messaged my mum on my phone

Internet- Googled movie times to see Beauty and the Beast

Facebook- Checked what memes my friends tagged me in

Cinema- Went to the cinema to see Beauty and the Beast

E-banking- Checked my account balance on my phone through e-banking

Netflix- Binge watched 7 episodes of ‘Riverdale’


If friends I have on Facebook have tagged me in a meme or any post, a notification then notifies me on my iPhone. I then know to access the Facebook app and check the icon on the Facebook homepage that says ‘notifications’ where I will then have the ability to discover what it is my friends have tagged me in. Facebook is really good now at connecting people to different posts and pages, by having people tag or comment their friends creates a strong network.

I also watched ‘Riverdale’ a new Netflix original tv show on ‘Netflix’. To do this, I typed into Google ‘Netflix’, and logged onto my Netflix account. Netflix then suggested all these new movies and tv shows that I should watch or that I would be interested in, as well as movies and shows I am in the middle of watching. I then clicked on ‘Riverdale’, as I had previously seen episode 1 and enjoyed it. I could therefore then watch all more 7 episodes of ‘Riverdale’ straight away, yet episode 9 doesn’t come out until march 31, so not all the episodes come out at once, I just had some catching up to do.


I wanted to check to see what my friends had tagged me in on Facebook because I knew the content was either going to be funny or intriguing and I knew it was going to capture my attention one way or another. I watched 7 episodes of ‘Riverdale’ on Netflix, because I wanted to entertain myself and I had heard many people talk about how much they are enjoying this show, so I wanted to watch more of it.

Project Brief 2 Video, Reflection and Sequence

projectbrief2_madeleinehewson_24:3:17 from Maddie Hewson on Vimeo.


My Reflection:

The process of making this ‘About Me’ Project Brief 2 video was a challenging one. As prior to this course, I never had used the Premier Pro program or had ever made a film. However as I gradually learnt more about Premier Pro by doing the Haiku exercise, and by expanding my knowledge during the workshops and in my own time, I began to feel more confident about using Premier Pro. When I look at the finish product, the full 1 minute video of my project brief 2 video, I see an amateur short video, that I know is far from perfect in terms of the quality of the editing, videos and photos. However I am proud of what I have achieved so far, as I am only a beginner in using Premier Pro and I will only improve throughout the course.

The idea behind my video, ‘about me’, was that I am the fourth generation of women on my mum’s side of the family, and who I am today is because of my great grandmother, my grandmother and my mother. Growing up with these women in my life has made me a stronger person, as I am everyday, inspired by their strength, support and love. In my video I have included text next to the photos of my relatives and I that mention our ages. I purposely did this in order to represent our difference in age, and also how many years, combined us four women are. 234 is the total number of years combined my great-grandmother, my grandmother, my mother and I have lived, which I have also included in my video, to represent the length of these lasting generations in my family. The two videos of my great-grandmother and my grandmother and my mother and I eating a sandwich on the couch is simply to represent two sets of mother and daughters.

What I think works well in this video is the general idea, as I think it is a creative and unique way of representing who I am and whom I come from. I also think the editing of the photos of my relatives with their voice being played over the top works well.

What I think needs work, is the structure of the sequence of my video, and aiming to make the sequence flow more smoothly.

The video sequence screenshot:

Screen Shot 2017-03-24 at 2.05.10 PM

My Media Use- Day 1


Facebook- Scrolling through my newsfeed

Instagram- scrolling through my Instagram feed, and liking photos of people I follow

My blog- I posted on my blog 6 times, this included text, videos and photos

Vimeo and Flickr- I embedded photos an videos from vimeo and flickr onto my blog post

Messenger- I messaged my friends on a group chat on the ‘messenger app’

Spotify- I listened to the global top 50 songs playlist on Spotify

Safari- I googled my train line timetable



In terms of publishing content, I posted text on my blog in relation to an assignment for my media 1 class. Along with publishing text on my blog, I also recorded a video on my phone taken of people painting an advertisement on a building in the city. In order to post this video on my blog, I uploaded this video onto my Vimeo account from a file on my desktop, and shared this video by embedding the link onto my blog post. Therefore when my blog post was posted, the video from vimeo was embedded onto the post and became automatically linked to Vimeo, I also tagged the post ‘vimeo’.


I posted this video on my blog, because it was a blog post I had to do for Uni. My aim was to show how people are constantly creating media, which is represented in the video, as people are painting an ad for a film on a building, instead of using a billboard like most advertisements. I posted this video also to learn something, to learn and reflect on the reading and discussion for that week that media practitioners need to instead of learning about media, learn with media, and to try to be as creative as possible.

Initiative Post Week 4

This week I have had to do a lot of cooking for my family, as my mum and dad have been late home from work. I have never really had a passion for cooking, and it is not something I really enjoy to do or would ever do for fun. However the reading this week about having a ‘passion mindset and deep work’, has got me thinking that the more I do cook, and push myself to learn new recipes and devote my time to it, I will find myself becoming a better cook and developing some skill. Perhaps it is too soon to say I have a passion for cooking, yet the more I do cook, I will enjoy cooking more as I will find myself getting better at it. From the influence and ideas from this weeks reading, who knows, I may just develop a strong passion for cooking in no time, due to hard work and developing my skill.

Initiative Post Week 3


In relation to the comic reading about editing and gutters within frames in a comic, I came across this comic online and it made me immediately think of the difference between between having a large gap or gutter in between frames in a comic, or having the frames continue to link to one another, as a form of continuity editing. This comic includes small gutters between each frame, as these frames do not leave readers to wonder much about what occurs in the gutter, as every frame follows each other immediately. It is evident that some comic illustrates, writers or directors either want their viewers or readers to trust their work, and leave them to fill in the gaps or the gutters themselves, or the writers or directors would rather fill in the gaps or gutters, to ensure everything within the story is understood. This just enhances the fact that there are many types of editing, in both comics and film, even if this type of comic editing is not the most common, it is still very much used.


Sourced from 

Initiative Post week 2

In relation to David Gauntlett’s reading, and how we need to shift our thinking from learning about media to learning with media, I began to look outside of the box to discover how amongst the city, people are always creating different forms of media. This video is what I captured whilst I was a drinking my regular morning coffee as I looked out the window. I saw these people who were creating media, (the advertisement of the movie Ghost in the Shell), in a unique and intriguing way, instead of placing another high rise billboard on another high-rise city building, these people were painting the ad. I thought this was an excellent example of people creating media in a unique and creative way.

IMG_5535.MOV from Maddie Hewson on Vimeo.

Workshop Activity Week 4

In this weeks workshop our priority was working as much as possible on our Project Brief 2 videos, and showing what we have done so far to our peers. I thoroughly enjoyed giving feedback to other peers videos, and also enjoyed getting feedback on my video. Up until today I have had many questions as to how to work Premier Pro as it still is a program I am very much getting used to. I have had major issues adjusting the sound, especially with the voice overs of people talking on my video. Before this workshop I did not know how to make the volume of the voice overs louder, however I now know how to adjust the volume, which already makes me feel better about my video and has boosted my confidence in it.

I was feeling a bit stressed about submitting this Project Brief 2 assignment before this workshop, however I now know exactly what I need to get done and what needs to be achieved my tomorrow at 5pm, and gradually watching the blog links being pasted on the Project Brief assessment checklist makes me feel more on top of things, and now I do feel prepared and ready to submit this assignment by tomorrow.