Analysis blog entry- reflecting on the reflection

After writing the evidence and evaluation blog posts, I have realised that what I have not yet documented is how I felt writing the documentation, and that in a sense I was bored documenting my media use, as I felt as though I was writing the exact same or similar things every day. This therefore made me realise that I have created a routine for myself in terms of using media, as everyday I felt was just copying the previous day. Therefore what I can work on is perhaps broadening my media use or think more creatively about how I do use media on a daily basis. However as I can only reflect on what I have already documented, I can therefore form an argument stating, media has the ability to shape our daily routines, as we become addicted to it. Yet as we become addicted to it, then the media has the power to filter what we watch, depending on what we enjoy watching, as this occurs on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Therefore our lives literally can become controlled by the media. Another proposition, is the fact that me, and like so many others in this world, are consumers of media, yet I have come to notice that all I do is consume media, when I use media. There is the exception, that I do publish or distribute media when I am posting on my blog, or posting a photo of mine to Instagram. Yet I have realised that I don’t do any other kind of publishing or distributing of media, not even often online to friends anymore. I have simply grown so accustomed to watching and consuming media, and perhaps that is because there is now too much media being published in this world and online, that maybe it is just easier to consume media, and leave it at that.

Project Brief 2 Video, Reflection and Sequence

projectbrief2_madeleinehewson_24:3:17 from Maddie Hewson on Vimeo.


My Reflection:

The process of making this ‘About Me’ Project Brief 2 video was a challenging one. As prior to this course, I never had used the Premier Pro program or had ever made a film. However as I gradually learnt more about Premier Pro by doing the Haiku exercise, and by expanding my knowledge during the workshops and in my own time, I began to feel more confident about using Premier Pro. When I look at the finish product, the full 1 minute video of my project brief 2 video, I see an amateur short video, that I know is far from perfect in terms of the quality of the editing, videos and photos. However I am proud of what I have achieved so far, as I am only a beginner in using Premier Pro and I will only improve throughout the course.

The idea behind my video, ‘about me’, was that I am the fourth generation of women on my mum’s side of the family, and who I am today is because of my great grandmother, my grandmother and my mother. Growing up with these women in my life has made me a stronger person, as I am everyday, inspired by their strength, support and love. In my video I have included text next to the photos of my relatives and I that mention our ages. I purposely did this in order to represent our difference in age, and also how many years, combined us four women are. 234 is the total number of years combined my great-grandmother, my grandmother, my mother and I have lived, which I have also included in my video, to represent the length of these lasting generations in my family. The two videos of my great-grandmother and my grandmother and my mother and I eating a sandwich on the couch is simply to represent two sets of mother and daughters.

What I think works well in this video is the general idea, as I think it is a creative and unique way of representing who I am and whom I come from. I also think the editing of the photos of my relatives with their voice being played over the top works well.

What I think needs work, is the structure of the sequence of my video, and aiming to make the sequence flow more smoothly.

The video sequence screenshot:

Screen Shot 2017-03-24 at 2.05.10 PM