September 14

Untold Stories: Week 8

The exhibition at the Living Museum of the West is coming very soon! In Tuesdays class, as a group, we discussed how we pictured the event running. We all nominated ourselves for different roles to ensure the event runs smoothly. I nominated myself to help out with audio requirements and master of ceremony duties. My team and I also got the chance to further discuss our production schedule to ensure we’re all on the same page.

I got some time to watch Capturing Reality: The Art of Documentary. It was fantastic to hear the different perspectives all of the documentary filmmakers had. For example, Nick Broomfield specifically talks about never wanting to interfere with a social actor’s interview location. Broomfield explains in rearranging a subjects home to get a better shot destroys exactly what a filmmaker should be filming. Conversely, Errol Morris contradicts this by saying that when for his film, Gates of Heaven, they brought out a desk full of trophies belonging to the social actor.  Morris says that, in this instance, the newly created environment brought his subject alive.

On Friday we visited the exhibition space at the museum. We got the chance to learn from Kerrie Poliness what other exhibitors had done with the venue. My group and I then had a planning session on how we would like our work presented. We chose the kitchen at the far end, near the archive. We thought this would be an ideal homely setting for our films. The space gave us some inspiration to include some still photography on the walls of our area. We also agreed that we would like to project onto a simple white sheet, as this will give our films a dreamlike quality. We finalised our assignment 3 proposal and made plans for what we would be shooting in week 9.

Posted September 14, 2018 by lindsaynewton in category Untold

About the Author

2nd year Media student at RMIT who loves movies, comics, cats and loud rocking music.

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