I have been developing a webisode series idea with my partner, Amitoze Nandha for the past five months called Mel and Rana, and we found out that we have been selected for the HP ‘Bend The Rules’.  I am extremely excited and also nervous, because we have two weeks to make the film!

Mel and Rana  follows the explosive lives of Indian and Australian neighbours. Melody and Ranjit are secretly dating. Melody’s slightly racist Australian dad Peter and Ranjit’s traditional Punjabi Indian dad Harbhajan are constantly warring, ignoring their obvious similarities. Melody’s mum Angela sympathises with minorities, sometimes patronisingly and Ranjit’s mum Anjali harbours some bizarre superstitions. Angela and Anjali are united by a shared yoga class and they both fear that they will be ridiculed by their families if their secret is ever discovered. Ranjit and Melody trying to bring their families closer together while avoiding disasters at home and evading capture.

I will keep you updated with how it all goes!