Week 12, Media 1 Tutorial Reflection

Unfortunately, my group members left our class halfway through just before I arrived, so I didn’t get to share my work. Luckily though, I had completed everything I wanted to, and all I had to do was put it together. It was annoying they left, however, I was late to class. Nonetheless, I shared my advertisement and my sound introduction online and it was all okay. In class we worked on a learning graph, and I begun to start editing my podcast and putting it together, I was very pleased with the recordings, and all I shared my script to my introduction, and aim to record that in the next couple of days.

Media 1, Week 4 Tutorial Reflection

Unfortunately I was ill and could not attend this week’s tutorial. However, I was still struggling to actually start my Project Brief 2. I was sitting, drawing and extending on my brainstorm all week and I still had not attained an idea to produce my assignment. Until Friday, I had some form of an idea, and I had to rush through a weekend to capture and print photographs of 8 people and then figure out how I would move my idea from my head into my computer. My piano had been moved into storage while we renovate and so it was out of tune. Therefore, I had to learn how to use Garageband to play the instrument, this was the part is struggled with most as I didn’t know what sort of music I wanted to be played in the background and I couldn’t play all the chords I wanted to at the same time, all I knew is that I wanted it to be simplistic and on the piano.

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Once I had this done, it was me to get set on filming and editing all the pieces to join together. Hopefully I finish in time!