Studio reflection (using framework)

I have been trying to define the form of the case study (Art in the Streets, Julian Melanson), weighing up whether it is a hybrid between a skate video and an art video. There is definitely a juxtaposition between the interview, which as a device is quite formal, and the skateboarding, which is far more freeform. The way that these two interact is interesting, with the skating aspect borrowing elements from music video culture.

This relates to when a video project I that made in 2010, which incorporated both elements of skateboarding and a narrative short film. Even though this is quite a different experience, there are overlapping aspects between the two pieces.

One of the reasons that this issue that was so prominent is that I haven’t come across a video that is covering two subjects that are so obviously different.

The concept of a non-narrative/anti-narrative is also at play here, with the images sometimes completely contrasting what it being said by the narrator/artist. This is a concept that can cause some confusion if you are approaching this video with the mentality of being a traditional narrative. Even though there is a narrative in the case video, it is chopped up heavily, so cohesive meaning from it is hard to gauge.

For future understanding, I realise that I should fully understand the prompt before starting on sketches etc. This may involve spending more time analysing the concepts behind the video and taking apart forms true to each genre (art/interview) and skate (more freeform).

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