Juxtaposition is a stylistic element that features heavily throughout the case study. The act of skateboarding, music and graffiti art are compared simultaneously, with a narration linking common themes such as creation, artistic passion etc.

Non-narrative comes into play here, with the images directly following each other not necessarily building on meaning, but rather explaining different themes of the video.

My sketch relates to the process of linking various contrasting videos, of varying degrees of difference. When you watch a video, you automatically try to create meaning based on what is shown and the relationship between the two. This sketch aims to push this idea further, by showing objects/events that are not clearly linked to one another, and seeing whether any sort of narrative is formed by the viewer.

Juxtaposition #1 creates quite a straightforward connection/two-point narrative between setting up a skateboard and skating down the street.

Juxtaposition #2 shows the same footage of a skateboard, followed by a band playing. There is little to no connection between the two, but naturally you attempt to connect the two.

Juxtaposition #3 is a linking video, which puts a skateboarder in the same time and space as the band. This logically explains how these two very different elements can be combined.

The third video relates indirectly to a part of ‘Art in the Streets’, when the artist and the skater fade into each other. While this is not quite the same as juxtaposition #3, it creates a similar sense of time and space, and ties the identity of the two people together, rather than coexisting separately from each other.

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