Goodfellas – A Matter of Perspective



“As far back as I could remember, I always wanted to be a gangster…” – Henry Hill (played by Actor, Ray Liotta)

Well, as far back I as I can remember I’ve always had an obsession with crime and the allures of riches, I often cant quite put a finger on it exactly but I find the criminal way of life so damned interesting that I cant help but fantasise. I again sat down with my plate of Italian-American Meatballs today to watch my favourite comfort movie, Goodfellas,  Dir. By Martin Scorcese. What I love most about this picture in particular, out of all the crime films Marty has made, is the way he balances the glamour of the Italian American Mafia lifestyle with the horrific yet ever apparent violence. Sure these guys crack jokes and “bust each other’s chops” but when it came to money or pride, the inner animals come out. Within a split second these men wouldn’t hesitate to “take out” another of their crime “family” if it was a matter of money or respect. Scorcese brutally exposes the regrets and agony that people in these lifestyles endure and hence stains the romantic reputations that have been attached to gangster films in such classics as “The Godfather” and “Scarface.”

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