I think today’s class was super productive in terms of generating ideas. I am clearly not expressing my ideas in a way in which people can grasp the concept. My aim is to create a film styled in documentary filming but has no intention of reflecting realty or any specific social group but instead to play off exagerated and unbelievebale stereotypes. From today and the feedback I’ve received, I can understand the suggestion to make a film about soemthing I know but I think these suggestions occur because they feel the film is wrongly aimed at a certain truth, which is poor communication of the film on my behalf.

I am confident in my orignal ideas however and will stick to the original storyline. I think making a few changes that might seem harsh in describing the film, such as changing the death to a kidnapping, and the parents are in turn searching for their son will lighten up the mood of the film.

Also from the feedback the comment of finding enough actors came up and it was something I was concerned with also but because I now see that the premise of the film has been misconstrued and I don’t want this to happen on camera, I am considering the idea of using 2-3 people to play different characters, just as chris lilly does in summer heights high. From this people will be able to see how far from reality the story is and no one will be offended.

As far as using hampton as a small town, I still believe I can do this as I am not using ‘hampton’ as such but more just the houses and house fronts will be featured. I’m now considering using a small portion of beaumauris concourse as “the town” and the local IGA, where they believe their son was kidnapped.