Rap, Hip-Hop and Hypertext?

Brian’s comparison in this weeks Unlecture was quite corny and really showed his age but made perfect sense.

When Rap and Hip Hop first arrived Brian was confused and very doubtful of the new genre of music. He questioned it’s offensive beats, lack of story and artistry. It was a new thing to Brian and the world, he found no pleasure in it and struggled with forming an opinion because there was nothing to compare it to.

In the Unlecture he compared this first encounter with Rap to the innovative forms of Hypertext. It is still a very new form of art, not many of us can relate to it or have a desire to explore it. Having never read Hypertext we have nothing to compare it to and make a judgement on it’s content.

However one day there may be a Hypertext author bigger than Kanya, taking over the world with its links and loose narratives.