Recombinants poetics related database aesthetics

Bill Seaman A database is derived through human activity leading to residues and inscriptions of experience. The database is used to navigate the open potentials of poetic expression, dynamic association through human process, and emergent meaning arising out of these…

Comm Ball Bash

Comm Ball Bash

A few Galloway points

Every society has its diagrams The reading argues that the Internet is distributed not decentralized and that it is in fact highly controlled despite having few if any central points of control. A distributed architecture is precisely that which makes…

Potts theoretical frameworks

Technological determinism refers to the belief that technology is the agent of social change. lt is both a popular attitude – reflected in such expressions as ’you can’t stop progress’ – and a theoretical position. The term was coined by…

Intro to Culture & Technology

Culture and technology circumscribe a field incorporating many interests and disciplines. In academic terms, disciplines such as media studies, cultural studies and sociology have conducted theoretical inquiry into the complex relationship between culture and technology. We discuss a wide range…

Unlecture thoughts to speculate

Video games can be considered an interactive narrative, however games are not about storytelling, you don’t win stories you read them. A text is anything that communicates meaning or has an intention. Hypertext could be a post cinematic writing practise,…

My Day at the Gatwick

My Day at the Gatwick

(For our Broadcast Media Radio Doco we decided on using the Private Gatwick Hotel as our subject) An overwhelming sense of fear swept over me as I stood outside the so called House of Horrors. The building was weathered, flaking…

The 80/20 Rule

Outside academia Pareto is best known for one of his empirical observations. An avid gardener, he noticed that 80 percent of his peas were produced by only 20 percent of the peapods. A careful observer of economic inequalities, be saw…

Basis: A small and clustered world

From Barabasi’s Small World: Clustering in society is something we understand intuitively. Humans have an inborn desire to form cliques and clusters that offer familiarity, safety, and intimacy. However, a property of the social network is only of interest to…

Rich Get Richer

This reading compares the Web to the Hollywood acting community. How they both display power law degree distribution. This is explained by the rich get richer phenomenon present in most networks which could be the reason for power laws spotted…

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