Ten dreams of technology

Interesting thoughts: The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly, and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process data in…

Actor Network Theory

– Recent technologies have often the character of a network, that is, of exclusively related yet very distant element with the circulation between nodes being made compulsory through a set of rigorous paths giving to a few nodes a strategic…

Who is Lev Manovich

Lev Manovich An insightful online biography about Lev Manovich, details of his upbringing, award winning success and his concept of data basing. Manovich Biography

Database as Symbolic form

Manovich After the key form of cultural expression of the modern age used to be the novel and cinema narrative, nowadays its correlate is database in this computer age we live in. Nowadays new media objects are collections of individual…

Recombinants poetics related database aesthetics

Bill Seaman A database is derived through human activity leading to residues and inscriptions of experience. The database is used to navigate the open potentials of poetic expression, dynamic association through human process, and emergent meaning arising out of these…

Potts theoretical frameworks

Technological determinism refers to the belief that technology is the agent of social change. lt is both a popular attitude – reflected in such expressions as ’you can’t stop progress’ – and a theoretical position. The term was coined by…

Intro to Culture & Technology

Culture and technology circumscribe a field incorporating many interests and disciplines. In academic terms, disciplines such as media studies, cultural studies and sociology have conducted theoretical inquiry into the complex relationship between culture and technology. We discuss a wide range…

Rich Get Richer

This reading compares the Web to the Hollywood acting community. How they both display power law degree distribution. This is explained by the rich get richer phenomenon present in most networks which could be the reason for power laws spotted…

The Long Tail- Chris Anderson

Anderson gives example of an entirely new economic model for the media and entertainment industries, one that is just beginning to show its power. Unlimited selection is revealing truths about what consumers want and how they want to get it…

The Small World Problem summary

Reading: Six Degrees- Duncan J Watts One section that stood out to me in this reading was Milgram’s fascination with networking. Social psychologist Stanley Milgram details his experiment he conducted in 1967. He was fascinated with the unresolved hypothesis circulating…

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