Story-telling and story construction.

This is something that I think I should carefully work on in the final project. I feel that this has been my downfall in my project briefs, and is something that I hope to improve on in the project. When in the midst of creating the project, the amount of information created can be overwhelming, and the positioning of the story-telling is a frustrating process for me. I typically go for the easiest solution for me and select the topics as they were discussed in the interview, or in the order I had recorded the original sounds.

The pieces that we have listened to throughout the semester have ranged from scripted, unscripted field recording, or a combination of the two. I feel that they are powerful in there own way, due to the sheer effort and thought that this type of production creates. Even in some particular stories that I would usually not find interesting, I have been immersed by the story-telling of the piece.
Throughout the semester, I have mostly relied on an unscripted format, and a rough plan. For the final project, I will work hard to change this and created a scripted format and a very strictly story-boarded production.
The examples that we have heard in class is something that I have tried to emulate throughout the semester. Beginning with an acknowledgement of the location and then an exploration of the story needed to be told. I will focus on creating a more effective piece that helps the listener to have their own visual of the story.

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