Week 4 Easter Monday: Room With a View

The demo is complete today, which is a relief. We had two pre-recorded interviews (as the assessment indicated) but I feel that we struggled with the amount of time we had. We decided to improvise, by the end, and I feel that we were successful. I think that we need a little more practice with the running sheet- although it was good and displayed the allocated time slots, it was more the fact that we needed two minutes for intro, when actually it was scripted for a minute. I am not concerned though, this is the purpose of the demo is it not?
Panelling wise- I was quite proud of myself. To be honest, I do need a little bit of practice. It was hard to be constantly on top of everything. We had to rely on an iPod for music, so to line that up with the required commercials and triple R recordings was a little stressful at some points. But I really did enjoy panelling, and would like to do it again when we are on air. I feel that I was successful in letting everyone know how much time they had left, and tried my very best to act as if we were live to air (I did this by informing presenters when the microphones were on, and indicating when the song would finish.)
I think I need a little bit more practice with the panelling and a little bit of help of maintaining the levels.
Unfortunately, due to the Easter break, Laura was not avaliable, which meant that she selected the music for the show. Amalina came home earlier to make sure that she helped out as her role as producer. I think that so far, the group is communicating (thanks to a private Facebook page) and working well.

Week 3: Room With a View

Today we ended up going to Triple R again.
It was somewhat surprising to hear that we needed an hour for the demo. I was under the impression that the demo was only 6 or 7 minutes long, but it seems that I was thinking of the interview. To do a whole practice session for the demo, running at least an hour long, is somewhat intimidating. Whilst waiting for the green light to go to Triple R, we had a group meeting. Although I really would like to try presenting and paneling at some point, I felt that it was important for me to learn the skills of paneling. I feel that I am somewhat confident on it; thanks to the visit to Triple R studios a few weeks ago and the practice session that my group had on Labor day.
The interview is concerning me a little. I wasn’t sure what would be an appropriate interview would be used. I didn’t want to contact anyone from an organisation, because I do not want to waste the time for someone for a piece that may not even go on the air. Pat, however, suggested using interviews that he had done recently and another one done at an orginisation that he works for. I think this was a relief for everyone involved, that we had two definite interview content for the demo next week. We have booked the studios for Easter Monday next week (which means that we miss another class), so hopefully this demo goes well.

Week 3: Room With a View

This week, we did not have classes due to Labor day. So myself and my group booked a studio the previous week to become more comfortable in the environment. I think what we did during our first studio session was incredibly helpful for all of us involved. We all worked together to gain a better understanding of the panels, and also tested out our voices on the microphones. Although we did have an introduction into the panels last week, I found it incredibly useful to discover for myself what exactly each button on the panel does. It seems a lot less intimidating now than it was last week; the amount of buttons and the environment made the information a little difficult to take it all in.

Week 2: Room With a View

Exploring Triple R studios certainly was a very interesting day. Learning the basic steps of paneling was, however, a little intimidating. Although my group has arranged a practice day for next week on Labor day, I am a concerned about how this will fair out for me. I know the basics such as the microphone, but there were so many little details, such as playing music from a laptop, or selecting one from the music library.
The speaking skills were incredibly helpful today- the only difficult part is remembering to put them in action. This included a straight back and projecting the voice, making sure that your mouth is right next to the microphone but not touching it and speaking clearly and somewhat slowly. When I was younger, I was very self-conscious of my own voice (oh the irony of focusing on radio); I feel that I must remember to speak slowly and enunciate the words being said. I also think that I would need to widen my vocabularly- I think it would be frustrating for the audience and for others if I used the same words over and over again (perhaps I should carry around a theasarus- or is that cheating?)
In terms of ideas- it was wonderful to get to know my group a little more today. We all seem to be in the same boat with regards to ideas for interviews, and that we all seem to be intimidated by the idea that it can be anything at all. However, by the end of the day, we started to process a few ideas that may lead to a successful show. Hopefully the private facebook group means that this will happen sooner rather than later.

Week 1: Room With a View

In the first lessons of the first week, there was a celebration in finding out that the classes are to start later than expected. However, I am hoping to remember that the classes start at 9:30 rather than 8:30.
I am a little bit concerned regarding my ideas for a feature. At the moment, I am thinking about exploring the Turkish community in Brunswick and its history. It is difficult, because I want to be creative with my idea and select an issue that no one has ever thought about before. As I see my career in journalism, I would like to interview someone for the feature and base it off that. Unfortunately, due to the time frame, I think it would be difficult to achieve some of my ideas, such as interviewing someone from a women’s shelter in a piece regarding domestic abuse.
It was quite interesting to learn about the software that we will be using throughout the semester. However, I am used to programs such as Wavelab (which I used last year in second semester) but from memory- it would be a somewhat similar format.
I am looking forward to exploring triple R studios next week, I am liking the idea of learning how to panel. I think this would be fantastic experience long-term, although I do find it a little intimidating, as unfortunately- I am not the best at the handling of technology.