Infinite List – Week 8 #Research

(David Booth Site)

With our Idea mainly centred around multimedia and interactive media, My main research was surrounded around the concept of new media and how new media can create a different experience to individual users. Throughout this week I explored various different media sites that allow the user to create their own story and experience while also looking at how Madeleine and I could create a similar experience for our users. Looking at previous work such as Voir Ceci N’est Pas Embres and David Booth (GhostPatrol) Homesite, it has shown how artist and media creator use new media to tell a story in unconventional ways. 


Creative Works:

David Booth (GhostPatrol):

David Booth or better known as GhostPatrol is a well-known street artist that primarily focuses on urban art. In recent time he has made a moved from0 street art to selling art and in order to spread his work and career, he has taken advantage of new media.  Instead of having a structured site to allow the user to explore and discover his artworks, Booth whole site is interactive and full of his work, clicking on a certain art piece will bring small detail of the art or a small video, this given the user the freedom to explore and attract users for its unique design and unusual flow. With the use of a lot of colours and moving images, it attracts users to certain location yet it does not limit the user to certain area. hiding the titles and names for art it create a sense of exploration and discovering in what certain art are called. Being an artist, David Booth wanted to create a site that shows and explores his art while also telling his story at the same time. New media has allowed him to reach a broader audience but also create a unique way to tell his art and story.


Voir Ceci N’est Pas Embres:

Throughout this course I fell in love with one media example, that being Voir Ceci N’est Pas Embres from weeks 5 lesson on Explosive lists.  exploring a town  Matt Soar wanted to create a media artefact to show the newly created software-driven program Korsakov and a new and unique way to tell a story. Soar, who was in love with Non-linear storytelling, created Voir Ceci N’est Pas Embres which allow the user to pick and choose their own adventure and exploring the lives and wonders of those that lived in a small town in France. The site embraces a non-linear storytelling approach while also creating a choose your own adventure feeling to the story. this allows the user to have individual experience and different experience each time, something that Madeleine and I want to accomplish at the end of this assignment.


Academic Research:

Grammars of New Media: Interactive Trans-Sensory Storytelling and Empathic Reading Praxis in Jessica Anthony and Rodrigo Corral’s Chopsticks (Cheryl Cowdy):

This paper analysis the ideas surrounded around the use of new media and interactive media to tell a certain story. The paper mainly talks about Jessica Anthony and Rodrigo Corral’s book Chopsticks and Ipad App that allow the user to interact with the book. with Cheryl calling it “trans sensory storytelling as a means for theorizing the meaning-making possibilities of
changing sense ratios when an app’s engagement with touch and sound extends the visuality of a book.” New Media has allow stories to be told in different ways, novels and stories can become interactive and allow to play with certain senses such as sound and touch as a way to engage the readers into the story. this was useful to our final project  as it outlines that new media can change a story with the help of many useful tool, such as sound and touch (vibration) to shock or appeal to the audience, new media has also allow use to create non-linear storytelling easily.

-Simon Tran


Booth, D., n.d. David Booth. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 20 September 2020].

Cowdy, C., n.d. Grammars Of New Media: Interactive Trans-Sensory Storytelling And Empathic Reading Praxis In Jessica Anthony And Rodrigo Corral’s Chopsticks. 57th ed. West Layfayette: Book Bird, pp.20-27.

Soar, M., 2013. Watch The Film / Voir Le Film. [online] Ceci N’est Pas Embres. Available at: <> [Accessed 20 September 2020].



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