Rubiks Cube Video

  1. How did you author (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

I chose to video this Rubik’s Cube as an example of a good design because its functions exactly as it was intended to do. It is a puzzle that is not easy to solve and has been able to baffle people for decades which is directly in line with what the designers intent was.

To capture this video I used my iPhone 7 however I did not use the inbuilt record function of the Instagram app, the reason for this is that I needed to have both my hands free in order to interact with the object and this would not have been possible had I recorded it within the app as it requires the button to be held down constantly while recording, so I recorded it using my phones record function and then uploaded that video. Additionally I had my phone mounted on a selfie stick that doubles as a tripod in order to give it stability. The square format worked well for this video as it framed the object well and allowed enough space for me to interact with it. I did not utilise the inbuilt flash though the object was lit from above using LED lighting strips and edited by applying the Lo-Fi filter which seemed to make the colours stand out just that little bit more.

As I’ve stated previously apart from the filters and the ability to cut the footage which I did not do in this instance, Instagram does not have any other options for editing or manipulating video footage, you have a great deal more options available to you within the iPhone but I chose not to alter the footage until i got within the Instagram app.

  1. How did you publish (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

I had a bit of difficulty positioning the tripod in the correct spot and positioning of my hands in order to not cast unnecessary shadows and I took 3 takes before I completely happy. This post was geo-tagged with the location where it was shot and includes a caption describing the object and have a number of hashtags within it.

  1. How did you distribute (the photo or video) you published on Instagram to other social media services?

I was again not able to link this post to Facebook however it is linked to both Twitter and Tumbler and this was done by activating the switches next to the corresponding accounts.

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