Blogs, it’s a learning process.

I’m finding the whole concept quite interesting. I have been aware of the existence of blogging for a great deal of time but never considered I would at some stage actively be part of that culture.

My knowledge base is still very limited, and I guess that is directly a reflection of my age and the fact that for the last 10 years whilst serving with the military, mediums such as this along with most social media outlets, are platforms that you have to be mindful and cautious about in order not to divulge sensitive information, which I guess when looking at that will benefit me when deciding how to portray myself and what to say, because at the end of the day this is a public forum.

I definitely see the benefits of utilising this tool for both students and teachers and the allowed interconnectivity it facilitates between all parties, however, the realisation that it goes beyond that to a wider audience, and by that I mean any person in the world with the capabilities and desire, could be privy to these inner thoughts as well, is quite a daunting prospect, but when thinking about that concept, I have been a viewer and consumer of similar such media for quite some time, and this transitions could only be considered as a natural evolution towards fulfilling career aspirations, so here I am blogging away.